Hey! I'm Alex ツ I'm an entrepreneur, researcher, and investor. Current projects - [Quantum Punks](https://quantumpunks.org/) -- bootstrapping a community around using quantum cryptography to build a safer internet, defend digital rights, and accelerate the next era of quantum technologies - [Deep Quantum](https://deepquantum.xyz/) -- quantumpunk r&d and investment vehicle exploring applications of quantum cryptography - [ZK-Timeline](https://obadiaa.github.io/zktimeline/index.html) -- (very wip) timeline of historical milestones related to zero-knowledge cryptography, and metrics to measure progress in it Past projects - [Flashbots](https://flashbots.net) -- r&d org dedicated to keeping decentralized financial systems transparent, efficient, and fair through open research, open-source software, and community engagement - [Cambrial]() -- portfolio of market-neutral quantitative trading funds trading crypto assets - [Zero Knowledge London](https://www.meetup.com/zero-knowledge-london/events/?type=past) -- meetup series on applied cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies - [Access](https://www.accessthemusic.co.uk/) -- city-themed electronic music parties Research interests - Innovation systems (how innovation has been, is, and could be organized in the future to tackle new problems) - Quantum cryptography (new applications of it with near-term applicability, especially cypherpunk ones) - Space tech (new use-cases enabled on earth by novel space technologies, satellite-based quantum communication, leo use-cases, moon industries) - Energy tech (batteries r&d, distributed energy generation & storage, fusion) - Climate tech (climate modeling, earth cooling) - Progress & tech policy (how to accelerate the pace of technological progress and adoption while minimizing societal collateral damage, responsible tech accelerationism) Advising & investing - I advise [Chainbound](https://chainbound.io) - Invest angel checks in teams building r&d orgs and frontier tech - LP checks in crypto quant trading funds - Sometimes invest with other angels via [deep crypto](https://deepcrypto.xyz/) and [deep quantum](https://deepquantum.xyz) - Also issue grants for open/public-good initiatives Contact - [twitter](https://twitter.com/ObadiaAlex) - [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandreobadia/) - [github](https://github.com/obadiaa) Please feel free to reach out about anything in this page you'd like to chat about 🪷